HKIRA E-Newsletter Jan 2025

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We are very delighted to share that we have successfully completed the half-day annual symposium on 16 December 2024 at the Connect Hall of HKEX.
About 300 professionals (full house) from the IR industry, investment community, as well as C-levels and senior management representatives of listed companies attended the annual symposium, and had inspiring conversation and discussions about corporate governance and investor relations and listened to expert speakers sharing their knowledge and thoughts on the following topics from different perspectives:
  1. Generating stable investment return during volatile market conditions
  2. IR Strategies for Volatile Markets
  3. Navigating Regulatory Changes: Staying Compliant and Transparent
  4. Measuring IR Effectiveness: KPIs for the Modern Investor Relations Professional.
HKIRA had the great honour of having Mr. Joseph H. L. Chan, JP, Under Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury,
The Government of Hong Kong SAR, as Guest-of-Honor at the IR Symposium 2024.
We were also delighted to have Ms. Vanessa Lau, Co-Chief Operating Officer and Group Chief Financial Officer,
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX), as keynote speaker at the IR Symposium 2024.
Event Highlights:
For more photos please visit .
HKIRA Partners
Special Membership Privileges
Offered by HKIRA Partners

Not only are HKIRA members able to join HKIRA professional seminars and social networking events at a discounted members rate and exclusively access event presentation materials and industry information, but also privileged to enjoy special deals offered by .
View Our Partners & Enjoy the Benefits
We are welcome to view the latest corporate events. Stay tuned for the updates.

Are you interested in the most-updated knowledge and trend in the industry?
Visit the IR Library now for the valuable sharings.
Revision Class
Date: TBC
Venue: TBC
Date: TBC
Time: TBC
Venue: TBC
Register Now
NIRI's Certification Program - Investor Relations Charter (IRC®) – USA
Hong Kong Investor Relations Association (HKIRA) is pleased to continue our collaboration with NIRI – National Investor Relations Institute to bring the Investor Relations Charter (IRC®) Certification Program to IR practitioners in Hong Kong and Mainland China. 

NIRI has announced that from March 1, 2022, they will go live with the IRC exam on demand and online with live remote proctoring. Approved candidates can sit for the exam at the time of their choosing and in their preferred location as long they meet the security and system requirements.

NIRI has also added some tools for the convenience of the test takers including an on-screen notepad, an on-screen calculator, and an optional 10-minute break.
Attendees who pass the examination and meet all the necessary requirements by NIRI, will receive a certification welcome package from NIRI to confirm their success. IRC designation can be used to denote certificate on the corporate collaterals of the successfully completed attendees.
The course is now open for registration, for details please visit  !
IR Annual Symposium 2024

16 December 2024 

Luncheon with Andrew Look

27 November 2024 

Executive Committee
  • Dr. Eva Chan (Chairman)
  • Mr. Randy Hung(Vice-Chairman)
  • Mr. Eric Yau (Vice-Chairman)
  • Ms. Winnie Fan (Honorary Treasurer)
  • Mr. Aldous Chiu
  • Ms. Lisa Lai
  • Mr. Kevin Leung
  • Ms. Venus Zhao
Hong Kong Investor Relations Association (HKIRA) is a professional non-profit association comprising IR practitioners and corporate executives responsible for communications between corporate management and the investment community. Established in 2008, HKIRA advocates the setting of international standards in IR education, promotes best IR practices and strives to meet the professional development needs of those interested in pursuing the investor relations profession. HKIRA is dedicated to advancing the practice of IR as well as the professional competency and status of our members. To date, HKIRA has about 1,300 members and most of them are working for companies primarily listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. HKIRA's membership profile covers a wide spectrum of professions from IR, finance, accounting, company secretarial to corporate investment roles. It consists of executives at various stages of their career, including the top executives from the IR professional and also the C-level management of listed companies
Advisory Board
Prof. Louis Cheng (Chairman)
Dr S H Ho Professor of Banking and Finance, Director of Research Institute for Business, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong

Datng Ho' Seri Cheah Cheye, DGPN Penang  Co-Chairman and Co-Chief Investment Officer, Value Partners Group

Mr. Osbert Kho, CEO, irasia .com Limited

Dr. George Lam, BBS 
Chairman, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP) Sustainable Business Network (ESBN)

Mr. Edward Lau, Chief Financial Officer, New World Development Company Limited

Dr. Guy Look, Director, XXL Limited (ex-CFO and Executive Director of Sasa International Holdings Limited)

Mr. K.S. Ng Executive Director & CFO, Link Real Estate Investment Trust

Mr. Andrew Weir, Regional Senior Partner, Hong Kong, KPMG

Dr. Kelvin Wong, SBS JP 
Executive Director & Deputy Managing Director, COSCO Shipping Ports Ltd

Chairman of Sub-Committee
Education: Dr. Eva Chan
Event: Ms. Venus Zhao
Marketing & Communications:
Ms. Winnie Fan
Membership: Ms. Lisa Lai
Professional Development:
Mr. Randy Hung

Program Leaders
HKIRA Partner Program:
Mr. Aldous Chiu

IR Pledge Program :Mr. Kevin Leung
IR Panel Member

Ms. Feon Lee AIA Group Limited 

Ms. Amy Luk Champion REIT

Mr. Kevin Leung
China Resources Beer (Holdings) Company Limited
Ms. Lisa Lai
China Telecom Corporation Limited

Ms. Danita On
Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited

Ms. Anna Luk
Emperor Group

Ms. Joyce Kwock
Hang Lung Properties Limited

Mr. Kelvin Chi
Henderson Land Development Company Limited

Mr. Ricky Choi
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited

Ms. David Ng
HUTCHMED (China) Ltd

Ms. Christy Lam
Link Asset Management Limited

Mr. Patrick Cheong
New World Development Company Limited

Ms. Silvia Fun
NWS Holdings Limited

Ms. Luna Fong
Shui On Land Limited

Ms. Emily Lee
Sino Land Company Limited

Ms. Jane Ip
Tencent Holdings Limited

Ms. Selina Li
UMP Healthcare Holdings Limited
Hong Kong Investor Relations Association
11/F, China United Plaza,1008 Tai Nan West Street, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong 
Tel : (852) 2117 1846