Advisory Board
Prof. Louis Cheng (Chairman),
Dr S H Ho Professor of Banking and Finance, Director of Research Institute for Business, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong
Datng Ho' Seri Cheah Cheye, DGPN Penang Co-Chairman and Co-Chief Investment Officer, Value Partners Group
Mr. Osbert Kho, CEO, irasia .com Limited
Dr. George Lam, BBS
Chairman, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP) Sustainable Business Network (ESBN)
Mr. Edward Lau, Chief Financial Officer, New World Development Company Limited
Dr. Guy Look, Director, XXL Limited (ex-CFO and Executive Director of Sasa International Holdings Limited)
Mr. K.S. Ng Executive Director & CFO, Link Real Estate Investment Trust
Mr. Andrew Weir, Regional Senior Partner, Hong Kong, KPMG
Dr. Kelvin Wong, SBS JP
Executive Director & Deputy Managing Director, COSCO Shipping Ports Ltd
Chairman of Sub-Committee
Education: Dr. Eva Chan
Event: Ms. Venus Zhao
Marketing & Communications:
Ms. Winnie Fan
Membership: Ms. Lisa Lai
Professional Development:
Mr. Randy Hung
Program Leaders
HKIRA Partner Program:
Mr. Aldous Chiu
IR Pledge Program :Mr. Kevin Leung