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Supporting Events

GBA ESG Achievement Awards 2024

23 September 2024 (Monday)
Organizer: Metro Finance
Venue: 港島海逸君綽酒店一樓宴會廳 (香港北角油街二十三號)
Time: 1000-1200
Outline: “Integrate Positive Values with Positive growth” is the theme of the Greater Bay Area Environmental, Social and Governance Achievement Awards 2024. As the core city of the Greater Bay Area, Hong Kong shoulders the mission of promoting the sustainable development within the Bay Area. We encourage companies to integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) values into their business strategies to achieve what is set out by the SDGs whilst enhancing their advantage and continue steady and sustainable growth. This is not only an individual corporate responsibility, but also an opportunity to create shared value within the community. Let us work together to achieve the goal of sustainable development!

The judging panel for this award will be composed of professionals, academics and industry leaders, selecting the top and most credible corporate award winners. The event will accept nominations and registrations from July; the judging and award results will be announced in August; the awards ceremony will be held on September 23.
Rundown: TBC
Language: Chinese
Tel: 3698 8688 Ms So
