Views on Shareholder Activism in Hong Kong
香港投資者關係協會(HKIRA) 會長陳綺華博士及柯伍陳律師事務所主管合夥人甄灼寧律師接受新城節目《財富Sunday》訪問,分享有關香港現時股東參與及行動主義的實況,並推介2017年11月10日假港麗酒店舉辦的「香港股東參與及行動主義動態」研討會。(報名及詳情請瀏覽
Dr. Eva Chan, Chairman of Hong Kong Investor Relations Association (HKIRA) and Mr. Sherman Yan, Managing Partner of ONC Lawyers were interviewed on Metro Finance (FM.104) radio program 《財富Sunday》 to share about recent landscape and views on shareholder activism in Hong Kong. They've also encouraged participation in the "Dynamics of Shareholder Engagement and Shareholder Activism in Hong Kong” Conference to be held at Conrad Hong Kong on 10 November 2017. (Details and RSVP on
資料來源 Source: 新城財經台 Metro Finance (FM 104)
節目 Program: 財富Sunday
播放時間 Air time: 29 Oct 2017 19:00